A Ben Conrad is typically a male that is blonde. His mother is probably a teacher, more specifically a math teacher. Ben Conrad is very very gay
ben conrad has a massive horn
by Bjorn_Booferwater April 24, 2023
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Kevin Conrad is a cutie with a booty. He knows a lot about animals and nature. He is super punny and knows how to work with his hands in and out of the garage. When in a relationship, Kevin Conrads are loyal and respectful. If you happen to find a free range Kevin Conrad, lock him down because he a great husband and a dreamy dad!
“Did you see the ass on that DILF?”

“Damn that must be Kevin Conrad!”
by Honeycrispapple November 24, 2021
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it's the thing you say for a person who is a ginger who tells everyone he's straight, but is secretly gay, and has a thing for pre-calc teachers. They usually have the stereotypical conrad personality
I just met the biggest conradical ginger yesterday who wouldn't stop looking at my butt.
by usctrojansrule September 11, 2019
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To do something an asshole would do
John really knows how to pull a Conrad when it comes to dealing with kids, just last week he stole candy from a baby
by Captainpankek April 27, 2016
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omg look at the pimp

hes is soo cool
by 8th GRADE GURLS!~* September 6, 2003
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someone who is incredibly addicted to video games, especially War Thunder
he has withdrawal symptoms if he goes one day without playing it
"conrad pollock" you say? well, he probably is filipino, plays war thunder, gets no bitches and has little to none rights
by z1gmaster32 May 25, 2023
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