The act of shitting on someone's bed, then covering it up with a blanket (preferably weighted)
Johnny: Dude, why do you look so pissed off?
Matt: Natasha did an Amber Heard Special on my bed, so I broke up with her bitch ass.
Johnny: Damn, I would've broken up with her too!
by the super penis man May 3, 2022
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Getting in an argument with someone and then taking a massive shit in their bed as revenge.
Guy 1: Man, I got in an argument with my girlfriend and she pulled an Amber Heard in our bed!

Guy 2: she SHIT in your bed??
by shitposter99 April 22, 2022
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the small group of mostly feminists that believe Amber Heard is innocent, despite the jury finding all her evidence to be fake and an audio recording of Heard admitting to hitting Johnny Depp. If a Johnny Depp supporter comments "#johnnydeppisinnocent or #amberturd or anything along those lines, most Heard simps will whine and comment under "Johnny Depp is a wife beater" before blocking the Depp supporter.
Person 1: I have made a goal to piss off as many Amber Heard simps as I can.
Person 2: How is your goal going?
Person 1: Good! I've gotten blocked by 10 fan accounts!
by June 6, 2022
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Trying for a turd
I went to the toilet for an Amber Heard but forget my phone.

Going for an Amber Heard = turd
by UpBeat He-Man April 26, 2022
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Amber Laura Heard, accused Johnny Depp of spousal abuse, yet was captured mocking and yelling at him abusively. She admitted to hitting him and called him a “baby”.
Women who are vindictive and find joy from punishing their spouse with false allegations, have used the Amber Heard effect, on the partners they falsely accuse.
by Chastity Queen May 28, 2022
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