A fast track to hell!a one way ticket to hell! Taking the express train to hell! Going to hell at an accelerated rate!
Bad people who don’t ask gods forgiveness might as well be on hell express!
by Princesslouise January 1, 2018
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Nima: Elham you gum as hell
Elham: Whachu mean?
Nima: You be sayin dumb shit and actin gay and shit
by WinstonisChink March 30, 2019
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The place where all Trash Queens live after their long-sought demise. Only the biggest, baddest Trash Queen can take the throne, because only they can take all the bitching of their underlings, as well as them being the hottest skank in the underworld.
*ships everyone with everyone* Ah, I'm going to Trash Hell... *fuck it, gangbang it is*
by Slamdunk420 November 23, 2014
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For those times you have no damn idea what you’re going to go do but it will be a f-ing CRAZY GREAT TIME!!
Hey Olivia, I’ve had a shit day. Get ready. We’re going to go do some Hell whoopin
by Inquisitive one two three February 21, 2019
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A place worse than the Biblical Hell, all punishments pertaining to Cami and revolving around him, making them the ultimate forms of torture.
"I hope you go to Cami Hell"
by ethans fav July 24, 2021
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A common urban method of disrespecting a defeated opponent, or humiliating a person who is asleep or KO'd. The person sprays pepper spray in their anus and defecates on the defeated/asleep/KO'd person's face.
"Yo this kid was lying passed out on the sidewalk so I opened his eyes and gave him the Hells Gate

"Is it weird that I enjoy Hell's Gate-ing random homeless people on the street? I always keep a spare can of Mace just to be safe."
by Yung Cunty April 23, 2017
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