If you are gay than you’re father left you before you were even born. I hope you fall down the stairs by tripping on a LEGO and stubbing your pinky toe and then you land on the street and get knocked 20 feet into the air by a Ford F-150 and then get struck by lighting 18 consecutive times and then get swept up by a tornado and gets thrown halfway across the state and then nobody will ever see you again.
Person 1: Did you here that Demetrius DeMacrus Batholemew James III Jr. is fucking gay?

Person 2: That bitch is gonna die a very gruesome death very soon.
by ManOfMidgets April 30, 2022
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A person attracted to the same gender not an insult stop using it as a fucking insult gay people are completely normal
-hey I'm gay
-it's fine I except you for who you are
by Gothcat August 3, 2019
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You: hey guys!
Your friends: omgg.. it’s the gay guy…
by sexybeast_dd August 17, 2021
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The bro Kyler Hale. That bro's just a raging butterfly raining glitter and sparkles everywhere he goes.
We know that only a guy as GAY as Kyler would be that much of a self-deluding homophobe.
by Redheadlover420 March 25, 2020
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1.) happy (older definition.)

2.) a homosexual individual

3.) a name that can be used in a very negative connotation, followed by any other profanities. (I will NEVER stand by anyone who genuinely uses that against any other homosexual individuals!)
1.) look at how happy that individual is!

2.) an individual that a romantic or sexual interest in their same gender.

3.) just the word faggot, or any variations!

by changinglateralexandria April 5, 2018
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gay can mean 3 different things

1.) happy (it's an older definition but exists.)

2.) a homosexual human being

3.) something used in a negative connotation
1.) we're all pretty damn happy, if I do say so my lesbian self!
2.)"look at how cute that gay couple is"
3.)"WOW that *negative name* is so fucking gay!"
by changinglateralexandria April 5, 2018
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