A VERY talented musician who once created great masterpieces such as (Rectangle) and (Penis) which are part of his SEVERLY underrated Alphabet albums. He has the voice of an angel that can sooth any crying soul. Genuinely one of the greatest artists of his time.
Are you listening to Reflection by "Dictionary Dave"?! That's some of his best work!
by Bumpmynucks July 22, 2022
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Verb: A agricultural practice that describes a person sowing all of their land to one crop, usually Canola, for two or more years
1. “Ah you hear about tim he’s gonna Dave summers it this year
“Fuck why would he do that?
by Canuck0305 June 19, 2019
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To do the Dave Waterstreet is to blast any animal in the radius of 100m. With such a steady hand he is unlikely to miss. Accuracy is his middle name. Destruction is his mantra.
Dave Waterstreet went to the woods to see what he could find, he found peppa pig and blasted her
by Monkeyman123960412 February 1, 2018
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A large weird IT guy who has a penchant for large stripey designer shirts. Abnormally cheery and has a food fixation.
New Member of Staff: Who's that big chick in a Mu-Mu?

Experienced Member of Staff: What do you mean 'chick'? That's 'Stripey Dave' from IT, he has a penchant for large Mu-Mu like designer shirts...
by AnonSD November 9, 2010
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The phenomenon that occurs when an individual is carrying many things in their arms but frees up one hand to reach for their keys. Dave's Law says that the keys will always be in the pocket opposite to the free hand.
"Thanks to Dave's Law, I need to set everything down to get my keys."
"Curse you Dave!!!"
by A regular Dave March 16, 2022
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By day a mild mannered and all round card carrying David.
At night he transforms in to Big Rave Dave... A master of wiff waff, backgammon, jazz cooking and throwing shapes...
Will occasionally go in disguise as "Wee Davie..." when he wants to mix it up a bit...
Has been know to bang out excellent performances of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Lez Miz...
Is capable of capering to levels of extreme proportion when accompanied by his side kick Phmrb... Whose mystery is only exceeded by her power
Amy Winehouse: That Big Rave Dave parties so hard... How is he in bed at 9pm most nights?
by Johnny Cheesedog January 31, 2023
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