This word is used to refer to a snack that can be acquired really quickly and not waste any time on preparing it. It is quite flexible at times
*I crave some burritos but I don't have the time to go get one, I prefer a doodle snack

*gummies are my favorite doodle snack
by Keith Cunningham July 1, 2018
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a person so cute it's sinful. this does not mean that that it is sexual in its self, it just means that the person is very cute. ( it can be used in a sexual and non-sexual way)

it is a non-gender specific term. anyone can be a satan's snack
girl 1: girl, you are such a satan's snack *finger guns*
girl 2: aw shucks, you're so sweet. I'm happy that I dumped that dipshit Branden for you.


friend 1: my friend is so cute!
friend 2: he is a snack
friend 3: no, he's a satan's snack
friend 1 & 2: agreed.
by Mip the meme boi August 23, 2019
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When your wife takes a dildo up her ass and pussy while you jack off on her face.
Man...I gave my ole lady the Snack Nasty in the front yard last night.
by Kitty Miss August 16, 2014
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Josie and Hailey enjoy "frantic snacking" between classes.
by Shinwa April 2, 2014
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A woman's bosom, generally of above average size.
Look at that snack shelf... I could bury my face in that!
by psnack October 6, 2013
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The person who always eats all the snacks, and during birthday parties of special events always tries to get two prices of cake.
Hey lets go watch that movie you've been talking about!

Ok sure just don't invite that snack hoarder

Snack hoarder:can I come?

by mr mr jellyman January 14, 2018
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A red jumbly liquid/food that contains goodness and despair and that is usually used for eating or throwing.
"I'm hungry. I think I'll have a Tomato Snack."
"FOOD FIGHT!" *Throws a tomato snack*
by The Mad Crazy Hatter February 20, 2011
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