So worried about people all the time and puts her time on you more than herself she has a nice smile and be your ride or die she's not fake in any way will love you no matter what and can get over you real quick she's a strong and sweet person she might be shy at first but get to know her and she will be so annoying and funny get to know a Ashley
Ashley is a great person
by Random names of people April 12, 2019
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Your annoying millennial neighbor who says you have the biggest head
Ashley: does your head every stop growing Jordan!
by givemethezambonier December 8, 2019
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Reads a lot, especially wattpad. Goes for personality over looks. Is a pretty quiet person and nice but honest.
“Ashley’s dating that one dude
“That one??? She can do so much better”
“Buy an Ashley mug for your handicapped bestie Al”
by Therealestlinguist November 23, 2021
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A hard working person who is very artistic. They are smart and always knows what’s best for you. They also have a lot of hobbies and a lot interests. An Ashley also have a good sense of fashion and knows goes together. They have pretty out there ideas which make them unique. An Ashley is also quite funny and has a great sense of hummar.
Ashley is such a try hard. Jkjkkjjkjkjkj
by Flowxox October 30, 2019
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a pizza faced ho that will betray you
bruh this ho acts like an ashley
by ashleypizza February 13, 2018
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A GORGEOUS, quiet girl who may appear aloof or introverted. Ashley is a deep thinker and VERY indecisive. She has trust issues and may be a bit socially awkward the first time you meet her. Once she gets close to you however, Ashley is the most goofy and outgoing girl you will ever meet. If you ever find an Ashley, cherish your relationship with her because she is one of a kind.
Random Guy 1:
Who is that shy girl over there?

Random Guy 2:

Oh, that’s Ashley. Trust me, she isn’t quiet once you get to know her.
by ashleytaylor February 10, 2019
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