When your fucking your girl from behind and you stop and tap her on the shoulder and she turns and looks then you cum on her face followed by an uppercut. It creates the old Boston Cream Puff !!!
She thought she was smart until i gave her the old Boston Cream Puff !!!
by Musky2248 December 1, 2019
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A puddle full of shit. Referring to the shitty water from Boston.
Guy 1: She performed a Boston Puddle on my dick last night.
Guy 2: Did you sue her? That's Gross!
by BrazillianGodfather November 9, 2020
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A group of people in Boston that are greasers that formed a group in 1993
Wow i sure love those Boston greasers
by MR man mo February 15, 2021
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When having a menage-a-trois one person takes their fingers and shoves them in the person's ass and gets shit on them to wipe it on their partner's back and the other one cums in the mouth creating the Boston Kreme.
I gave Becky a Boston Kreme with my buddy, Jimmy last night.
by AdolfObama November 29, 2019
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The sexual act of fucking a girl in the ass the cumming on her back and forming the Red Sox logo out of your cum
I gave this broad the Boston style back shot
by Hankhill69 October 9, 2022
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When a guy wear tight pants. Instead of camel toe. He has Boston toe.
Dang Steve your pants are so tight your Boston toe is showing
by Tammy.k July 15, 2021
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