When you are absolutely sure of something but must exclaim that its diffidently true and accurate.

A button is always sure of itself. It's either pressed or not, buttoned up or not, clasped or unclasped.
CFO: Are you sure that the competitive analysis shows that we are outperforming our competitor?
Finance manager: Sure as buttons. The reports are as accurate as can be.
by 000Six_Six000 December 14, 2022
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a title given to the place you touch in the back of your throat to vomit. where you stick your fingers all the way back to make yourself gag
jessica felt fat, so she pushed the skinny button
by DeoxyHelix November 30, 2017
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That person's shirt is so small, you can see there jelly button. SMH.
by heyitstessa November 25, 2016
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The hole through which jelly is injected into a jelly-filled doughnut.
A man with a beard has the best chance of cleanly eating a jelly-filled doughnut if he starts at the jelly button.
by Bald-Matt March 13, 2020
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Kevin: Lol it must suck not to have an undo button.

Qi: It must suck to suck your dick every night.
Kevin: Dude, not cool.
by Where'd mah dad go? October 9, 2023
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Where you purposefully aim your spunk into your belly button and leave it to dry. Then it is picked out and collected in a jar.
Hi James, how many spunky buttons have you got?
by Edward Ling September 27, 2017
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When you put Honey on your dickhead, cover it with Pop Rocks, and shove it into the available anus all while yelling 'Do you know the Muffin Man?'.
"Have You ever had a Candied Button?"

"Only in prison..."
by TheRocketeer January 16, 2015
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