When you strangle someone to death with your bare hands.
She just got Brian laundrie'd.
Shut up or I'll go all Brian Laundrie on your ass!
by C0rruptted October 31, 2021
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a lolicon who says they're not a lolicon.
person 1: bro why are you watching this loli shit, are you a brian lee jia wei?
person 2: no, im not a pedo wtf
by the non pedo November 23, 2021
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A man so irresistible and tasteful that beings of all sexual orientations desire to be his life partner. A man who falls the subject of an infamous chant at football games, and supplied Ryan deburger with his sloppy seconds.
Damn! Brian cheek makes me so aroused and tingly in the pants.
by Fan_of_all_things_cheeky September 16, 2021
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A man so irresistible and tasteful that beings of all sexual orientations desire to be his life partner. A man who falls the subject of an infamous chant at football games, and supplied Ryan deburger with his sloppy seconds.
Damn! Brian cheek makes me so aroused and tingly in the pants.
by Fan_of_all_things_cheeky September 16, 2021
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This is a chant used to piss off the seniors who don’t cheer.
Brian Cheek! Brian Cheek! Brian Cheek! Brian Cheek!
by xxxtentacion2045 October 2, 2021
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a gross smelly butt as a guy

often dumb
Person 1: Your dumber than a box of brians
person 2: You smell like brian mccoulugh
by cool kid03 February 11, 2016
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