When you're penetrating someone anally and they fart, creating a muffler sound.
Brian "Did you go give it the chick you met at the bar last night"

Tony "Yeah, I gave it to her from behind. She even gave me a Boston Muffler. The vibration was amazing"
by ItsPseudo October 6, 2017
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A group of Boston Terriers that form a blanket as they lay across you whenever you sit or lay down.
Me: Hey, I am going to take a nap on the couch.

My mother in-law who owns 8 dogs: Okay hun, enjoy that Boston Blanket. I'll go turn on the fan.
by Domitri July 5, 2023
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When people hate on City of Boston, Boston sports, or the people in Boston every time they hear the word Boston,They get easily triggered in reality they know they aren’t winners like us.
I hate Boston fans, don’t say I have Boston derangement syndrome. Cause I don’t.
by Khleezy June 20, 2022
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A boy who help you believe that home is not just four walls and a roof…but a it’s someone with brown eyes and a amazing smile/laugh.
That one boy Boston makes me feel like home.
by Boy named Boston November 24, 2021
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An eclair is really just a boston cream pie in glizzy form
Yo dawg, pass me another Boston cream glizzy, I got a sweet tooth
by Harry Areola March 12, 2022
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Like a Boston Marriage, but much less platonic.
"Hey, is that your girlfriend?"
"We prefer the term Boston Roommates when we're in the Deep South."
by tenfourfuckbuddy December 9, 2018
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