When you stick your fingers in a girls pussy and rotate. Its like fingering a girl but you create so many juices that the womens pussy starts to fart. The way to alleviate this noise is to begin fisting her or you can choose to shock her.
"Ya I met up with that chick last night"
"Oh really, what did you guys do?"
"I finger sauced the shit out of her, then I stuck my whole fist in that loose bitch because she was queefing all up on a nigga!"
by The Chin July 14, 2006
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When you order food with a sauce you like and they put a different kind on or none at all. You have been sauce fucked.
Joe- Dude, I just ordered a bean burrito from taco bell with green sauce and they put red sauce on it!

Nick- Wow, dude, you just got sauce fucked.
by Duuuukaaaay May 1, 2009
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noun - 1. An abstract concept of having everything go wrong simultaneously.

interjection - 2. An exclamation of frustration when in the act of having everything go wrong simultaneously.
1. The other day I got the chin sauce when I wrecked my car and didn't have insurance.

2. When my bank account was drained by my con artist ex-girl friend, I couldn't help but scream, "chin sauce"!
by adrinalinblue June 11, 2009
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The added ingredient in your burrito if you piss off the chef or the help in a mexican restaraunt.
Hey Joe watch what you say to the waiter or he'll add some of his secret whackamole sauce to your burrito. Fresh out of the tap.
by Steve Gutcheon May 11, 2007
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The thick sweat that accumulates on your nuts on a hot day.
Man, you smell like ball sauce.
by Rich E September 15, 2007
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