Similar to Discord moment, but even more Discordy. It is used to indicate when someone has done/said something on discord that perfectly exemplifies the spirit of the server in question
Person 1: nerd react this user ^
Person 2: discord momenr
by Telecaster007 September 28, 2022
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Will inevitably all shut down in in response to cease and desist legal demands from Google.
Tom: Did you remember the discord music bot, Rythm?
William: Yeah, same it was discontinued.

Google: Ban all discord music bots reeeeeeee
by Zxcvbnm Productions November 13, 2021
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toxic discord server is the best server at all time and only sigamas can join
im in toxic discord server, Omg How, i told you im sigma and i dont play genshin and ultimis< Wow i want to be like you when i grow up
by not icyskull 100% January 4, 2022
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when theres a group of 5 friends who act very brash in a public community server like they own the place, being usually unfriendly to anyone trying to participate from the outside even though it is publicly accessible.

the types of people you find in the server are people who are seemingly nice and accepting of everyone, but as soon as one negative thing goes into their place, they immediately activate protocol safespace where they attempt to bully you with the worst insults i have ever seen just to somehow win the arguments like a bunch of seething losers even though this is the internet and having a public server is just asking for trouble. an example of a few of these insults would be like insults commonly used on twitter or tiktok.
just met a group chat within a discord server, it was pain
by boomboomdajoomjoom January 1, 2022
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A person who thinks that sending triggering pics is funny. They probably also fetishise MLM and ship straight adult men, who knows? Anyway I hate them.
Person 1: Oh look, it’s a MAR FROM DISCORD.

Person 2: what a social reject, probably lives in their parents Basement and uses racial slurs, RUN!
by EnvyLmao April 20, 2021
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