A nickname for a guy who will mean everything to you and always be there for you then randomly leave without saying goodbye
Me: where's foxy the wolf?
Friend 1: idk, he left
Me: *crying*
by atlantian1 October 25, 2020
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The combination between a Wolfgang and a gash. This results in a hairy werewolf possessing a large slit in their lower lip. The wolf-gash is also holding a Schnauzler.
I saw the Wolf-gash and was quite frightened.
by ronj January 12, 2011
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Dragon wolf is Paul, the most badass motha fucka on the block, catch him in the day blazing the mountains, and at night Drifting the most treacherous mountains known to man howling good squad at the moon.
Look at pscud the dragon wolf poon slayer getting sideways.
by Yusogayy July 16, 2014
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the Boogie-Wolf is the most ferocious, deadly, and scariest 3 pound dog you could ever want to carry around in your designer purse. He comes standard with a frog blankt and a frog hoody with large over sized googly eyes.
Don't make me sick my Boogie-Wolf on your ass!
by KialsWife August 20, 2023
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The diminishing of urgency one experiences after being alerted to something 'urgent' frequently.
After being called out to the residence for the 20th time, the police were in no rush as they believe the caller was crying wolf.
by sardonicEmpath August 28, 2023
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1. When a person drops everything and goes wild. Usually accompanied by screeches and howls.
2. Extreme furry sex.
1. Jessica was going full wolf when she found out Jimmy was cheating on her with Sarah

2. My furry neighbours had sex yesterday. It sounded like they went full wolf
by CorsicaMallet April 18, 2018
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When the rear foot, during the walking stride, is kicked to the inside causing it to trip over the leading foot.
I got wolf tripped by friend, almost fell on my face!
by Yooper Paul March 1, 2023
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