Fuzzy Nail Polish is a nail polish from sally hansen it is made to look fuzzy and like a fuzzy pillow. It is an ok polish but hard to use.
"Have you tried Fuzzy Nail Polish yet?"
"No how is it?"
by CornFlakes N. Mihul May 8, 2013
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The act of flatulating on the bridge of a person's nose aka Turkish heat wave
The Polish Butterfly Kiss is the second leading cause of pink eye according to the CDC
by WoRdSmItH October 20, 2018
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Is that a Polish Freckle? Who taught you how to wipe?
by Pseudodymrod September 8, 2021
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Driving a motor vehicle over or along the rumble strips, reflective lane markers, or in some cases highway drainage grooves to simulate the vibrating and kneading effect of a massage, either intentionally or inadvertently.
Daniel waited until the last passenger in the van had nodded off to drift over to the rumble strips and shook everyone awake, he enjoyed the Polish Massage, but each of his passengers hated him for it.

Gary winced at the Polish Massage, when he felt like his fillings were being shaken out as his boyfriend steered the motorcycle they were riding over the rain grooves on the country road.
by Lester'sTesticle August 12, 2017
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Its the Cookie Game/ Soggy Biscut Game but instead of an Cookie there is a Firecracker and you have to cum as fast as possible to turn of the fuse so your dick wont blow up.
1. Hey what did you do today?
I played the Polish Cookie Game and my Friend got his Dick blown off
by BigBongusChongus May 4, 2021
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When the outcome is obvious.
The opposite of suspenful.
Johnny is going to wrestle a bear. This is going to be a real polish knuckle biter.
by Burt Macklin, FBI November 13, 2017
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Unfortunately many a Polish seem to have been rig scripted into being part of some slanderous attempt at undermining our Freedom based society here with some horrid perverse agenda. While not all slander slut slags may equally visually resemble the infamous monica lewinsky for which the so called "monica lewinsky situation" is named after it being a way ti refer to slander attempts and general evil plots, the Polish Deepthroat is what it is called when the entire situation seems to hinge on some poor young throat being basically scapegoated..

Alternatively, "Polish Deepthroat" can be defined as a particular style of sucking a dick which involves particular vigour and enthusiasm from the fellator in terms of how much the gag reflex is tested and its limits pushed during the act.

Sometimes and in fact oftentimes both these definitions are interwoven.
"Yes! The Woman I picked up looks like Monica Lesinski" thought Stan, "she is gunna choke on me like a classic Polish Deepthroat in some sort of hearst style Monica Lewinski Situation all bundled up in Polish Deepthroat spiddle...
by Itssatjayuga@gmail June 11, 2019
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