A term used mostly by red-neck Canadians usually preceded by “What ya doin?” or “How she goin?”

Zit Bah is used to replace “This is it boy” however, the person you are responding to does not necessarily have to be male.

The response is not to be accompanied by any other dialogue, for it is a complete sentence on its own.
Buddy asked me how work was going today and I looked him right in the eye and said zit bah.

I was sitting on the couch mindin me own business when the lady walks in and asks what I plan on doin with my life; I don’t know what she wants me to say, zit bah.
by Melonshoe August 28, 2019
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space in a crowded conversation were by you have a chance to add / burst in a comment that progressively opens out the conversation.
jack:her eye brow is so high
backround chuckie:lolololololololololol
jill:i kwn
jill:you look worried
ginger:browser.....<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<there space spot/zit
backround chuckie:lolololololol

jack:do you do birthday parties?
backround chuckie:lolololololol
by oxocubes1 October 31, 2011
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A time after a sports game or assembly at school where there are hundreds of people attempting to all leave through one exit causing a build up of people that slowly squeezes out of the building much like a zit.
Matt: Why do we have to have these stupid assemblies about Obama. he isn't doing anything special, he's just a president that happens to be black.

Marissa: I know but as horrible as it was, it was nothing compared to the human zit afterwards.
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Those esthetically unpleasing small round sensors found on many automobile bumpers that provide an audible proximity warning when parking. They almost always look out of place and are not integrated into the overall design of the car and therefor look out of place and ugly... just like a zit on your face. Something you wish you could pop to have them go away and make the car more beautiful.
Oh look, Charlie just got a new Cadillac complete with bumper zits!
by Creative Savage November 4, 2010
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A person with a big brain and different from everyone else. every one of them you meet will be different from the last and well worth your time!
look, its a Zitting they always have things to talk about!
by ayobitchbitch December 20, 2020
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To hide your zit by any means, using any kind of ridiculous solutions. Such as makeup, photoshop, or band aids, or not leaving out the house.
Example 1: Yo! Tommy has some zits on his face, why don't he zip his zits?

Example 2: *Whispers* Irene, puss alert, puss alert...! Zip Your Zit...!
by Bokra Okra Oops! April 12, 2018
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Zit is the answer to the question. Sup?
by Shorty and shitty January 15, 2021
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