A place where homeless people with inferior intelligence and weird accents come together and Tink about things. They add a Tank after it just to sound cool, important and German.
"I would like to join a Tink Tank"
"The Tink tank people are Tinking really hard."
by Kumbhakaran January 16, 2012
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The product of two men using the same urinal without a flush between them.
I'm sure I need to see a doctor, because as I peed into leftover piss in the urinal, that mixed tink turned cranberry.
by The Steinbrenner October 9, 2011
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That Tink Metals is sure to have runny sores.
by Sivled November 14, 2003
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A mid 30s super sexy hunk who has a 7inch penis and is loved by everyone.
"Hey Rachel Green, you coming over tonight? My parents are out on a date ...."
"Oh def, Marcus, as long as you show me how much of an Andrew Edward Tink you can be tonight!"
by What is a pseudonym!!!? October 3, 2017
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