The tip of your penis. Aka The part that looks like a mushroom *IF circumsized*
My Shroom Part feels good if someone tickles it with a wet finger.
by Anarchist7x8 March 6, 2008
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A shroom slap is when someone uses their dick to slap someone across the face, leaving an imprint looking like a shroom on their face.
Dude, guess what?! Getz told me that Jeff gave this one guy a shroom slap on the bus!
by ALF June 23, 2004
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A mushroom which contains the chemical Psyloscibin (Spelling) and will cause you to trip balls and see some sweet shit.
Dude pass over those magic shrooms, im a get tore-up!
by Jared Bishop June 17, 2004
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Magic mushrooms dipped in chocolate. Easier to consume since the chocolate hides the generally bland flavor of mushrooms. The fact that they are dipped in chocolate has nothing to do with the strength of the actual mushrooms themselves.
Mmmmm... chocolate shrooms. :)
by Orion1 November 24, 2006
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The spare change you have after purchasing shrooms.
Cohlin: Hey man you have any change?
Ali: No, but I just bought some shrooms, so I got Shroom Change!
by OGMUSLIM November 26, 2012
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That friend who's always nagging you for shrooms.
Thomas: Yo, Rodney, you wanna come over on Friday?

Rodney: You got shrooms at yo home?

Thomas: Nah, you a shroom fiend.
by Priestly Ponderance December 9, 2021
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