When you are playing PvZ heroes and your opponent rolls a 3, 2, and a 3 on with their block meter immediately after blocking the turn before.
What the heck! He rolled a California Roll and blocked two turns in a row.
by DnskcnsmkAaaaa April 12, 2021
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Past tense of rolling. when a group of people got together and threw toilet paper into trees and bushes of someone's yard late at night while everyone was sleeping. The target is normally a teacher or professor. In the south rolling is considered a form of endearment. In the north, it is considered to be disrespectful. Normally accompanied by forking
Prof Ramsey got rolled last night!
by Jinju August 1, 2010
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caught; in trouble; in the shitter; ruined; put and end to by some authority figure.

An event or a person can be rolled.

It seems that the word is only used as the past tense, you never hear anyone say "the cops will roll that party if you're too loud"
"dude, the party was fun, but it was rolled by ten o'clock."
"you are gonna get SO rolled if you steal your mom's vicodin."
"my parents rolled me so hard. i'm grounded for 6 months."
by Adria September 19, 2004
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Pickpocket Slang: To be robbed without your knowing or pick-pocketed.
by Andrew123 June 6, 2005
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1. A type of bread
2. Megaman's baby sister
1. Pass the roll, please.
2. My favorite character in Marvel vs. Capcom is Roll.
by ChoujinkiMetalder July 5, 2005
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1. Being high on Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA, Ecstasy, Nightlife, Tabs, Zones, etc.

2. Can also be used to describe someone on high dosages of amphetamines such as Adderall, as methamphetamines are a main product in MDMA, methamphetamines at a how enough amount give you the same feelings.
1. damnnn nigga im rollin so hard right now, my eyes are fucking gooned.

2. shit man, im so amped up right now... im rolling real hard bro.
by fuckinamped September 18, 2009
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when you get jumped by a group of people
I got jumped by some lebanese
by Smavie September 15, 2003
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