To have unbelievable quickness down the first straight of a BMX track. West coast pull is common, as west coast BMXers are quicker most of the time, becuase of the weather.
That Factory Aggo rider has pull. He has west coast pull.
by C.J. Thomas November 12, 2006
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it meens lipsed basically but only da manz who used it r beggin it
i pulled Jermaine yestaday(meeninng i lipsed Jermaine yestaday)
by Lil Gangta Girl August 10, 2003
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The act of listening. "Pulling on" can be used interchangeably with "listening to."
With great intensity he was pulling on to the jazz.
by ||) 4 ||2 || ||_|| 5 August 10, 2003
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When you feel an extraordinary sexual desire towards someone (or just feel it and wannt to fulfil it)
Hey bro, I'm on the pull, let's seek some whores or something!
by Matyi&Áron February 18, 2008
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1. To extract a substance from the source.

2. To remove a part from the whole.

3. To discontinue selling merchandise.
1. We pull gold from the ore.

2. Pull that tranny so we can rebuild it.

3. Pull that tainted food from the shelves.
by Downstrike June 5, 2004
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When a female/male get someones number or give someone they number .Lets just say its another way to say you got they number or got the hook up.(man,,whaever)
1.Did you pull my cousin at the mall?

2.I went to the movies and pulled a boy who looked like T.I.

3.I heard you pulled my man!
by Toffee September 17, 2006
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(vi) In online gaming, to intentionally create lag to give oneself an advantage over the competition
It's impossible to kill him; he constantly pulls.
by H2OPolo January 27, 2004
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