Nirvana, The greatest band since Morris Day and The Time; Also See Pirvana
I saw Nirvana when they were on world tour back in 1673!!!
by Deathboy Chowderhead February 10, 2003
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nirvana was one of the gratest bands ever to be they where like the beatles really famous and one of the best grunge artists there evere was and ever will be...if you think other wise there is a serious thing rong with you curt cobain was a great guitarist and had great song like smeels like teen spirt...
nirvana is better then any band now and anybands that are riseing
by _terry_ October 15, 2006
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nirvana is to clarity what buddhism is to nevermind
I think I have attained nirvana. Or have I ?
by nirvana666 August 24, 2011
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The whiniest group of fucks to ever walk the planet. Can u name anyone form the band besides Kobain...NO thats what i thought. Curt kobain the biggest pussy ever...EMO!!!!
Guy in band A "Hey Curt wanna go play some shitty music"
Curt "no i'd rather kill myself"
Guy in Band B "Fucking emo"

Fuck you Fuck Nirvana
by swiftastic T June 23, 2006
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A band from the 90's. Don't give me shit for this but really, they weren't the apitamy of grunge. Most people now who listen to them only know a few songs, which pisses me off and start buying some hot topic crap hoodie or something. Seriously, listen to some of their other songs except for the hits. Personally, I think some of them are better on the cd thgan the singles or whatever they were.
nirvana gets a thumbs up
by monkeygrundger June 30, 2009
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One of the few good modern rock bands.

Best grunge band ever by far.Because they're the "ONLY" grunge band that didn't sound like fuck!

Not even close to being the best rock band ever though.

And even further from being the best band ever.
Certainly a hell of alot better than Pearl Jam.What has that guy got a dildo up his ass or something?

The best thing about Nirvana is they spelled the end of Guns N'Roses.
by Sublime November 29, 2004
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