masturbation, pre-presenation excitation, i will be playing with my lund the whole day!
Dario likes to moot maarr. heavy moot marring at my place today
by Dagu August 5, 2007
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Mastrubation, excited pre-presentation style
by BHANDY August 5, 2007
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When you're acting like a complete drunk belligerent ass and one of your friends intervenes by tackling you down, pinning you, and rubbing your face in the dirt until you admit defeat—in order to promptly correct your asshole behavior. The act of correcting a friend in this manner is the Dirty Moot.
If it wasn’t for Erik giving you a Dirty Moot, you’d of kept screaming and gotten the cops called on us.
by djclauseinthehouse March 18, 2019
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It is a form of medical treatment for a broken foot in the shape of a ugg boot but is most effective for those walking backwards.
Susan: Hey Jan! I love how you’ve bajazzled your boon moot!
by Me6728920229 January 3, 2019
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The term given to a filthy, saggy, overgrown, pungent smelling, disease ridden vagina of and indigenous Australian women (a.k.a. A Gin) inclusive of the pubic hair.
"Hey you lubby white 'sing wanna moonyea my moot mullet? But you gotta scratch and sniff first."
by Nifty the 2nd July 19, 2014
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