By far the most garlic saturated food ever... not even kidding.
His breath was so heinous he must have just had shrimp mac and cheese!
by bobbyboy3 August 29, 2008
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A holy saying originating in mid-late 1700s during the American Revolution, George Washington famously said to Alexander Hamilton “I’m making fucking Mac N Cheese Alex now stop rapping”. The Rouxls Kaard has been dubbed the Lord of Mac N Cheese ever since his debut as a Mac N Cheese Krafter in the late 1990s.
Subject: Ok sire, continue with the Krafting
by Nagitoe January 31, 2021
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Mac and melted feta cheese. Amazing. The king of all Mac & Cheese.
I made some king mac and cheese, wayyyy better than KD and cheaper too. And then they all loved me.
by Pssseudonym December 4, 2013
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Short lived docu-series about the Mac N’ Cheese Man that peaked in relevance mid quarantine (2020). Sadly the man himself has fell to a crippling meth addiction and resides in Fresno, CA.
“Yo, remember that Mac N’ Cheese Man series back in quarantine?”
“LMAO. Remember when he called to his wise Jewish uncle for advice in the forest?”
by dontbuyfrompairchief September 26, 2022
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“How many bowls of mac and cheese have you had?”
“But I asked how-”
I said yes.”
by October 24, 2022
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A massive coronary brought on by assholes that purposely drug you, to get you out of their hair because you know too much, and know what they do is completely wrong.
E: I'm going to mac and cheese this bitch for discovering my affair.
D: Well I already got my husband, so do it up. I won't tell.
M: I'll whip up that chili for you to help it along.....
by Myneighborsarekillingmecuzthey September 19, 2020
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Best food in the world. I could literally eat it in 3 seconds it’s delicious
Person 1: Hey what’s ur fav food?
person 2: MAC AND CHEESE
by PastelSour February 10, 2023
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