Likes Cheryl , Has a huge boner when he sees her. Is also trash, has a green breath and is the ancient Celtic name for "large penis" Thinks that 3=12, and Legal is Illegal
"Oh, Don't be such a Treevor LIU ."
by ajpdofiasdfpaojsdf June 26, 2018
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An Andy Liu is a person who loves to simp multiple girls at the same time. He also was cheated by same girl 3 times in only one month.
Poor Andy Liu.
by kkkfff111 November 22, 2021
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Small asian girl who acts all innocent but is the biggest fucking blint you’ll ever meet. But honestly is an Oathy cunt and can rip a bloody big cone if she’s in the mood. Has a great ass (I would know). Sucked and dated nearly every penis in year 9 and up..... honestly a fucking skunk and needs to get her ugly ass dog rat off her Snapchat. She’s a one of a kind and not in a good way she may be hot on the outside but on the inside she’s as dark to dump you and then sleep with your bestfriend.
That girl thinks she’s a Rachael liu......... bahahahaha I hope not!
by Groggyman1113 June 25, 2018
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dumb kid whos mom works as a stripper and lives on the streets.
aaron - "yo im finna ride the bus with eddie liu's metro card"
evan - "tf u do bro did u steal it from that retarded kid whos mom works as a stripper?"
aaron - "yes bro lets ride it with the homies
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An emo individual that is known for catfishing the innocents.
The Alyssa Incident - Ryan Liu
by bigJamieson March 4, 2023
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