Led Zeppelin is the Greatest Band in the History of the world.

The Amazing Vocals of Robert Plant, The Killer Riffs of Jimmy Page, The Rhythmic Bass of John Paul Jones, and The Pounding Drums of John Bonham are still unparalleled today.

With songs like Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Thank You, Gallows Pole, Stairway to Heaven, The Song Remains the Same, Kashmir, Ten Years Gone, Tea for One and In The Evening, Led Zeppelin made its was to the top of the Music Industry and remains there today. With epics like Achillies Last Stand and In My Time Of Dying, Zep showed just how amazing they were.

Bands today cannot even begin to fathom the greatness that Led Zeppelin achieved. They are, and Always will be, the Greatest Band Of All Time
"Lyin', cheatin', hurtin, that's all you seem to do.
Messin' around with every guy in town,
Puttin' me down for thinkin' of someone new.
Always the same, playin' your game,
Drive me insane, trouble is gonna come to you,
One of these days and it won't be long,
You'll look for me but baby, I'll be gone.
This is all I gotta say to you woman"

Led Zeppelin - Your Time is Gonna Come
by Fraser October 25, 2004
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Man: oi look at this bird walking past

Other man: oi nah she's bare led face
by Send nudes January 15, 2017
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the mixture of led zeppelin and legend of zelda. also, one cool ass kid on the g4ttv
Wow, Led Zelda owns the forums.
by Rasberry Rocker February 22, 2005
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Hachiro is taking Kazumi to the Led Robster for her birthday
by wolfbait51 May 24, 2011
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one of the all time great bands. jimmy page owns all those nu metal fags like slipknot AND
korn. led zeppelin is timeless and forever. nu metal is the gayest form of music ever written.slipknot's music is proof of that. HAIL TO THE MIGHTY LED ZEPPELIN--JOHN "BONZO" BONHAM R.I.P.
by Anonymous November 4, 2003
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An amazing rock band from the seventies, arguably the best rock band ever. If you like rock, and haven't listened to them, do so.
"Hey i just bought the new live Zeppelin album"

"Dude, they rock"
by Adaon August 1, 2003
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The only band from the seventies that can rock this seventeen-year-old's fucking world.
Holy Shit, I was born in the wrong decade; I wanna see Zeppelin.
by Word Up July 25, 2003
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