City folks believe this is a derogatory word for country people, or people who live in rural areas. This word however is considered a compliment to many southerners👌
*city prick*- "oh you're from the south? You must be one of those hicks."

Southerner- "yep pretty much👌"

• yee yee •
by RedneckChick👌 March 3, 2015
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Can you white folk' stop usin this word?
Stop calling me a hick, I know I am low intelligence.
by SouthernPride... December 9, 2020
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Stupid lazy, uncultured, angry, poor, and bored white person (generally) with little or no tolerance to anyone different than themselves.
The hick thought it was 50 cent draft night, he was so distraught about having to pay a whole dollar he complained about it for the next 5 days.
by Rebecca April 10, 2004
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A person from a rural area, most often white. They are afraid to venture into "big cities" and refuse to accept anyone who lives or once lived in a city. They may have heated arguements about Ford vs. Chevy and are willing to die for their auto-maker of choice. They consider Nascar a sport, and if a foreign car wins hell may have just frozen over. They have no tolerance for change or advancement as they are often poorly educated and ignorant. Often times they refer to items as "she" or "them" and speak with an accent.
Hick: "Them Chevys are the greatest cars in the world."

Me: "Go fuck yourself... hick"
by eugene54 May 3, 2008
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People that wear plaid.
Chew tobacco.
Listen to country.
Act stupid.
Rock beer guts.
Hunt religiously.
Watch Nascar.
Fail in school.
Missing teeth.
Collect guns.
Live on a strict diet of beef jerkey and sunflower seeds.

These freaks a nature are usually from Wisconsin.
Alicia- WHOA look at those hicks!
Teresa- Must be from Wisconsin.
by StoutSucks November 13, 2009
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n: also known as rednecks.
tracktor-trailer driving, tin-spitting, tobacco-chewing, beer-bellied fatass uggo with chicken legs who lives in a hammock with 92 illegitimate hick children who all call you"MA" even though youre male, while fighting over the BIG spoon, so they could all eat mayonaisey ham goop
I'sa gonna goes up to my TRAK-turrr and eats ma ham goop with 37 lbs of MAYnaise and theeeeeen i's gon' go baCK to my HAMMOCK and sit there all day with my 92 illegitimate hick children who all call me "MA"
by diiscolemonade July 8, 2009
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A derrogatory term used to describe the following:

1. Southerners
2. People who live in trailer parks
3. Uncivilized or unsophisticated people
4. Ignorant people

The term "hicks" is an insult and is inappropriate for civil conversation, as many people take offense to the term.
Look at those girls by that trailer! They're real hicks.

Those hicks don't even know what one plus one is.
by Darkmoon June 25, 2004
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