Another term for the anus. Refers to the eyeball quality of the anus when viewed from certain angles or positions because of its uncanny ability to look at or see through a person.
When I was taking her doggy style, her little brown eyeball soulfully gave me a wink of approval.
by sbp1029 October 21, 2013
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Any photograph so hideously over processed through the misuse of HDR manipulation that it can be deemed to be guilty of 'EyeBall Rape"
Having spent a small fortune on a DSLR the rookie urban explorer felt that he needed to post-process his shots to look like Scooby Doo cartoons in an epic HDR/ EBR (EyeBall Rape) fest.
by rotate13 June 16, 2013
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When you see a dead person lying on the street and pull out their eyeballs with the intention of putting your stiff penis in the hole. Works best when the person just died, since the popped-out eyeball leaves you with a lot of juice to help your penis go in and out smoothly.
Have you ever tried popping the eyeball? You should really keep an eye out for any dead people on the street, cause it's fucking hot.
by WilcoRash January 13, 2009
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when a hernea shows through a mans shirt
dude did you see his purple eyeball
by lilpete May 3, 2007
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When one is in the process of consuming hot cheetos and ignorantly itches their eyes causing a wicked burning sensation.
Man, I was eating hot cheetos right? And I itched my frigging eye! Got some crazy bad flaming hot eyeball.
by The Real Cinders January 24, 2010
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n. - sexual intercourse with two females at the same time by way of wearing a strap-on dildo backwards.
Yeah, well I've done the london wainwright eyeball with your sisters.
by DeVil DeMonde January 3, 2005
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The creature known as the intersection eyeballer is the person opposite of you at a two, three, or four way stop sign who, regardless of coming to a complete stop several seconds before you, looks you up and down for some time until you cannot handle it anymore and proceed to drive out of turn.
Whoa that SUV has been at the other end of the intersection for quite some time. This is pretty close to a stop sign standoff except he's staring me pretty hard. Let's cut this intersection eyeballer off and get out of here
by atredivum August 22, 2010
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