Pulling a 'Boon' is when you show the qualities such as being unnaturally punctual, Massively impatient, asking more questions than a toddler, sniffing more drugs than humanly possible and under the delusion he/she sorts everyone out. They also suffer in finding value in things they don't understand.
Potential 'Booner' A: "Hurry the fuck up i've waited more a minute - I'm gonna leave you here if you don't hurry up. I need to pick up, So how much longer you gonna' be? How much longer?"

Potential 'Booner' B: "Mate, give me some of that... No?... I always sort you out!"

Potential 'Booner' C: "Whats that?... A can opener... what do you need that for?"
by Wish I was Booner November 22, 2011
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The Shrewsbury term defining a cigarette, could be referred to as boonage, or boontime.
by BDE6 July 17, 2011
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an experienced player who is acting like a noob
person1:selling food for 1K
person2:you boon ur a lvl 70 you should know food is 500$
by wigsplitta August 21, 2005
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A word used to deifne the charater "boone" from fallout new vegas.
Typically, you can say this over your xbox live party when boone snipes an enemy from a distance.
Bitch, you got booned.
by an epic pie December 8, 2010
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by Uh Huh... October 13, 2003
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To smell of the underside of a flaccid penis..
Kieron is booning
Tome is the King of Boon
by Dr Billy December 15, 2003
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