The verb tense of the word bogus.
Used in past participle

The act of doing something bogus, or something bogus is being done.
WTF, why did those chicks back out? We got bogusized.

This rental car is a piece of shit, we got bogusized.
by Rob March 28, 2005
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The verb tense of the word bogus.

The act of doing something bogus, or something bogus is being done.
Lets bogusize these bastards and leave them behind.

I'm going to bogusize this joint, and haul ass out!
by Rob March 28, 2005
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Bum a cigarette.

Derived from bogart a stosh.
Dude, can I bogue a stosh from you?
by stoshbogart April 9, 2004
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A phrase to be used when a friend, acquaintance or otherwise known person says something so utterly false and simply wrong, that you must quickly and deliberately inform them of their logical fallacy.
"Ass is better than boobs" said a jew
"Hocus pocus your opinion is bogus" said the greek
by Thechickenmaster6000 February 20, 2022
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A man who only speaks bogus facts usually of Maltesen descent
That Moynihan feen with Bogus facts at it as per usual . A bogus Moynihan
by Bogus master September 30, 2020
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1. Designated coordinates where a group of dudes gather to comit pure faggotry.

2. Eight dudes jamming nine dudes.

Joe goes to a frat party to be fully unsweet to see eight dudes jamming nine dudes --you know, a bogus dude jam zone.

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