A term from the north east of England used for a hair tie
Pass me that bobble so I can put my hair up please
by Goos3_345 October 5, 2023
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Another word for stutter that can be used by people with this condition that doesn't result in stuttering.

A word that does not contain 's' or 't' which is commonly a cause of stuttering, allowing for someone to highlight their beautiful speech impediment
I bobble when I have to talk in public, especially with words that contain 's' or 't'
by Genajandles November 2, 2020
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An vagina shapes intrument played with your penis.
Dave: “Can you play any instruments?”
Sean: “Yeah! Bobbly Bongo is my favourite!”
by davehascraves September 23, 2022
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A Bobble back in definition is when a human being has such a fat arse that it jiggles like a bobble head
Hey Alison that is some big ole bobble back you’ve got yourself there son!!
by ??????????????????????????oooo September 27, 2022
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A person with constant reoccurring thoughts about yaoi and or sex of the homosexual kind.
Person 1: Did you just hit that lamp shade? It’s cursed.
Person 2: I know, but it feels like a stiff bobble head.
Person 1: bro, that’s cursed. Make that the title to one of your fan fictions.
Person 2: Thanks, now I’m thinking of some really innopropriate stuff. Wow, I’m never gonna be able to get this out of my head.
Person 1: I think you’re the real stiff bobble head.
by I’m the real trite here July 24, 2018
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A bitch dat do wayyy to mch like slow down Susan jenifer is not here yet
by Babymehecoboii September 9, 2019
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A dumb person who likes to jump off cliffs
Bobbly just pissed in my cats litterbox
by MLGBOIONSTREET December 12, 2017
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