John: Dude that was a load of badassness.

Bob: Yeah man did you see the wheel barrow full of Chuck Norris Memoribillia!
by anrko77 July 2, 2010
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Of or having anything to do with kicking ass or generally being badass.

Hs no known detailed rating system, but it's widely accepted that anything with a higher badassity rating than something with a lower badassity rating kicks the latter's ass into next Thing.
Masturbating to lesbians has a high badassity rating.
by Vinic April 1, 2003
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Something that is badassed is something that's really cool. Similar in use to 'kick ass.'
My new sports car is badassed.
by Victor April 30, 2003
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A rating system used to determine how badass something is, on a scale of 0-10.
Dude 1: Hey man, what was the BADASSITY of that hick's mullet?
Dude 2: I'd have to give it a 7. Could've been a 9 if he feathered the top a bit more.
by Cleveland Ass Jake December 3, 2007
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When something mythical, mysterious, and hella epic happens all at once.
As TF reached for his bottle of Rich and Rare he froze like a man caught fucking another man's woman. He blurted out "Holy shit this bottle's mascot is a unicorn with a dragon's tail, that is so badassical"
by joshrie August 5, 2010
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Walking around like your are the bee's knees with or without sustainable proof.
JG is badassing around like he doesn't lock his keys in his car on a regular basis.
by anothertool October 9, 2008
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