The best Wrestling show thats not WWE Raw, a show on Mondays that got worn out.
Man: WWE Raw sucks, i am gonna watch WWE SmackDown.
Man 2: Same!
by ThatMiiModder9000 January 27, 2022
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john: "bro look that one blonde chick from insta slid into my dms"
chad: "oh shit bro fr? she dumb thicc"
john: "should I hit her with a 'you up?' text?"
chad: "nah bruh shes a WWE clout wrestler"
by whatsgoodmofo July 26, 2018
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a damn "talent" search for divas in the WWE. It basically has a bunch of untalented sluts bidding for a contract with WWE.
Paris Hilton has about as much singing talent as a WWE Diva Search competitor has wrestling talent, which is not very much.
by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus October 15, 2007
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A signal indicating the expression of "oh the humanity." This stems from a GIF of a WWE wrestling match in which the camera zooms in on the crowd, focusing on a black man that appears to be in shock, holding his head with both hands like Edvard Munch's "The Scream."
Did you see that picture of Blair's joker nipples? <WWE Black Man>
by Sean Avery on the Ice July 10, 2010
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a modern day version of a social climber. a WWE clout wrestler is someone who will do anything for clout and wants to have a popularity status.
Tiffany is such a goddamn WWE Clout Wrestler
by juulinmyass January 23, 2019
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basic insta hoe that fucks people for clout
john: "bro that one blonde chick on insta just slid into my dms"
chad: "shit bro fr? she dumb thicc"
john: "yeah ik. should I hit her with a 'you up?" text?"
chad: "nah bruh. shes a WWE clout wrestler"
by whatsgoodmofo July 26, 2018
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