a young average looking girl. Very fun!! Sarcastic and tenacious :) usually on the outskirts of the groups but always ready to jump in. Hard to understand easy to love :)
Omg that girl is so amazing who is she?
Duh thats Taylor!
by Beth 8] January 20, 2009
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A decent looking girl who is always just one of the guys. Can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Sarcastic and funny yet could get annoying. Resembles a mermaid. Shows little emotion but is truly deep and emotional on the inside.likes to chase the boys but rarely falls in love. Is quite easy to fall for.
Wow she is such a Taylor! I want her on top of me!
by Taylorrerre March 27, 2008
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One of the bestest friends ever. She loves flying kites, hanging out with friends and being a legit spazz.
chick 1- whos that chick
chick 2- damn thats taylor
by reyka December 28, 2012
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A smart, charming, sexy teenage boy. He's had a rough past, but it doesn't deter his kind heart. He dedicates himself completely to everything he does and, because of this, is an amazing athlete. He's a rare person to come across, if only because he holds the compassion that so many in this world lose so easily. A bright fire burns inside him... And I pray everyday the flame never goes out.
Dude, how'd your match go?""Not too good man, I got pinned by a Taylor.
by BabyGirl333 January 16, 2011
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1. (pn)(fn) Can also be, and often is, a male name.

2. (pn)(sn) Began as a surname, spelt "Tailor".

3. (pn)(history) Originally, it was a name to define a person's position - tailor - in the workforce. All of these individuals were MALES, originally. Females were disallowed such positions. So, those MALES who were tailors, their surnames became Tailor (Ex: Robert Tailor) the same way a cook's surname became Cook (James Cook). Over a while, the spelling changed to Taylor, often because of immigration and the inability to spell names properly long ago. But it was males who the first name Taylor belonged to FIRST.

4. (pn)(confusion) So, no. Taylor isn't the name of some blonde girl who sleeps around. It is, and most oftenly, a MALE NAME. Just to clear up some confusion.
Man: Hey, I'm Taylor.

Guy: LOL Isn't that a GIRL name! HAHAHAHAHA

Man: Actually, no. It's originally a male name. And the majority of individuals with the name Taylor are males, or have the name as their surname.

Guy: Oh... EW, YOU'RE SMART.
by Schizophrenic Cannibal Lemon November 15, 2009
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Taylor is an amazing girl with lots of friends and a positive attitude in every situation! She cares a lot about her friends, and there isn't a lot she wouldn't do for them. She just wants to make sure her friends are happy. Taylor is so trusting and caring, that some call her vulnerable. She is very open about everything, and although that can lead her to get hurt easily, she wouldn't call herself vulnerable because she surrounds herself with people who she trusts won't hurt her. Taylor doesn't fall for anyone easily, but when she does, she falls hard. And if you are reading this, she just wants you to know the stuff she is afraid to tell you in person.
That girl is sweet but vulnerable. Her name is Taylor
by StormBentley May 24, 2013
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A sexy, honest, dependable man who is extremely committed. Slightly nerdy, and capable of using that as an advantage in many social situations. Desires to be an engineer or teacher who is also a humanitarian. Will make a fantastic husband and father.
I hope my man will be really Taylor.
You are so Taylor.
Did you see that guy? That's totally Taylor!
by totallywannaknow November 22, 2011
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