A fucking good whack from the panda to the jaw
When it hits ya you’ll know bud. A whopping 10 tonnes for force straight to the jaw. Don’t fuck with the backhanded panda
by PapaDaddyWassup November 1, 2019
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A word in the 2010 app "My Pink Friday"
The act of using intense force while unexpectedly giving da back hand to a hater
These Cardi Stans are gonna receive the Barbie Backhand soon...
by lilchavvy January 24, 2021
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The Afghan back is a just another way of rubbing one out, having a wank, belting one out on the blue veined banjo masturbating for short. This style originates from the middle east which incorperates a method of sneakyness slash egotistical masturbation.
The process of the Afghan Backhand starts with bending your wrist back cutting off the blood to your hand for at least 10 mins this will render your hand anesthetized. Now prop your right leg up unto a table and with your right hand reach back around the outside of your thigh and grab your penis. Because of the lose of sensation in your digits and the limited vision from your thigh you may find it hard to locate your cock. Dont give up you only have a limited time to nutt one out before the feeling comes back to your hand and the deceite seeps in. Enjoy!
by nutbags August 17, 2010
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Backhand sweep is when a person, sweeps the back of his or her hand on a persons tit, ass or penis.
You and friend are at a concert and he/she says to you "let's go backhand sweep those girls by the bar".
by spinetap April 26, 2014
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Its a love tap done with the back of someone's hand
She really loves me. She gave me a bianca backhand in the car
by Richard of arms November 26, 2021
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1. An attempt to appease to a group of people for financial gain while still simultaneously portraying that group of people in a negative, or unfavourable light. Usually playing on racist stereotypical tropes, or keeping up with racist/bigotted media trends aimed at creating or sustaining a negative or unfavourable image of the targeted group of people.

2. Attacking a group of people's image under the guise of progressiveness.
Example of backhand pandering is placing black women in lead roles for movies to pander to them for money, yet this lead black female character adheres to negative racist stereotypes that portray black women in an unfavourable light.
by New age definitions December 25, 2019
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A hockey player who uses the wrong curved stick on purpose so he can always shoot backhanders. Righty who buys a lefty stick or vice versa.
Larry was an experienced hockey player who wanted to try something new and try to fool the goalie on every shot. He became backhand man.
by backhandhockeyman14 March 18, 2015
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