a fagotty man

has piss kink

Likes feet
person 1: you like ed sheeran?

person 2: nah he likes peepee
by edsheeranspiss December 23, 2022
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The musty, sweatiest, man alive who goes by the name of Ed Sheeran. He calls his fans “sheerios” a word based off of “cheerios”, which are the grossest cereal ever. Even if it does help cholesterol levels
Bro that dude is totally an ed sheeran!!

Omg youre so right, hes so mustyyyyy
by alemonthatwasjuiced June 19, 2021
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Ed Sheeran is a brand of cereal that tastes like stinky rat guts. It’s so overpriced considering it tastes like absolute dirt. It has printed pictures of a creepy man with orange hair on each cereal piece.
Kid: Mom can I get the new Ed Sheeran cereal?? they say it’s really good!
Mom: Umm.. I guess
by egf.koi September 5, 2021
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"My new boyfriend's a ginger." "So you're fucking that gremlin Ed Sheeran?"
by davidbowiestoaster May 23, 2021
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An unbelievably amazing creature that has been sent to us to make us believe that this world could be a brighter place and the answer to every problem.
"I'm trying to solve this impossible equation that has been haunting me for days...Do you have any idea?"
"Ed Sheeran".

"I...I can't believe he has left me after our holiday in Paris...Like, who would ever do this to a girl? Do you have any tip to help me getting over him quickly (and this not includes getting drunk)?"
"Ed Sheeran".

"I'm so tired, I've been working all day and the boss would complain about me an-"
"What? I need to express my feel-"
"The answer is and always will be: Ed Sheeran".
by sheeransvoice May 31, 2017
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