The single greatest form of showmanship known to mankind. It involves doing a round-off cartwheel, followed by a back tuck or "moonsault" onto the head/neck of your attacker. It was innovated by god himself, The Great Sasuke.
The best way to stop a robbery in progress is to Sasuke Special over the register.
by HLV Sequel June 10, 2008
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One of the main characters of the Naruto anime and manga, Uchiha Sasuke is a young ninja, as well as titular character Uzumaki Naruto's rival and sometimes-friend. The sole survivor of the massacre of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke's singleminded focus is to become strong enough to avenge his clan by defeating its murderer, his older brother. His cool demeanor and attractive looks have made him the object of affection of most of his female classmates, but he merely considers them an annoyance. An exceptionally talented ninja, Sasuke has mastered high level attacks such as Chidori and possesses a bloodline limit called Sharingan.
Uchiha Sasuke: I am an avenger.
by Syn- December 26, 2005
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A very common phrase in Naruto ( anime ). It's mostly said during the first season of the series by Haruno Sakura, who has a huge crush on Sasuke Uchiha.
I love you so much Sasuke-Kun!
by It's Celia December 29, 2018
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People who despise Sasuke Uchiha from the popular anime and manga series known as Naruto.

They always rant on him saying he's stupid or horrible for what he did in the series or whatever.

They are pretty mean, because Sasuke went a really bad event... having his clan/entire family killed off by his older brother, Itachi, because it was ordered by the Hokage. It messed Sasuke up in the head and gave him emotional pain. That's how he became what he is right now... a revenge seeker.

So it's hard for me to hate him.
To all you Sasuke haters, please leave Sasuke alone. He had a rough childhood. Stop wishing for him to die. Quit calling him "Sasugay".
by Naruto Fan Child July 23, 2010
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Sasuke Uchiha. One of the main characters in the series Naruto. He is the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan massacre. He defines himself as an avenger. He seeks power in order to kill his older brother Itachi Uchiha, the one that killed the clan. Sasuke posseses his clan's bloodline trait, sharingan. Due to that, he is a fast learner and is able to copy justus during battle. He is like an aniki (brother) to Naruto and his best friend is Naruto. In part one of the series he is 12 years old. In part two, he is 15. His profile is as followed:

Birthday: July 23
Blood Type: AB
Height: 153.2 cm
Weight: 43.5 kg
Known relatives: Fugaku Uchiha (father, deceased), Mikoto Uchiha (mother, deceased), and Itachi Uchiha (brother).

His previous affiliations: Konoha, Sound village.

Abilites: Sharingan, Chidori, Chidori Current, Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique, Cursed Seal (first stage and second stage), Snake summons (from body and giant snakes), and other fire techniques. Not all are known due to Sasuke not showing all of his current abilities. For taijutsu he knows Hayabusa Otoshi (Peregrine Falcon Drop), Shishi Rendan (Lion Combo, English version: Lions Barrage), and many other techniques.

Personality: he doesn't show much affection toward girl (fangirls) except Sakura Haruno. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of helping/protecting his friends (Sakura and Naruto). Beginning of the series, he believes he is much more talented than Sakura and Naruto. He craves power and doesn't speak much. He usually doesn't say anything other than "Hn." He values his teammates more than himself. He seeks strong opponents, believing each victory he obtains indicates his growth. He does not show much respect to anyone. Sasuke does not like to kill people he does not know (innocent people), and makes it a point to prevent as many deaths as possible.

He is usually described as a Bishie, or rather Bishounen. Meaning pretty boy.
Sasuke Uchiha & Naruto: Sasuke Retrieval. Bring Back Sasuke To Konoha

Sasuke: "I'm an avenger and I will do what is necessary to obtain power. I have to kill him."

Naruto: "Sasuke! Orochimaru only wants you body as a new container."

Sasuke: "If that is what is needed to kill Itachi, then so be it."
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He is Naruto's friend and rival in the same time, but after he saw his brother itachi and how naruto became strong, he turned to be Naruto's enemy and went to orchimaru to gain power so he can fight his brother
by hatem July 6, 2005
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