A overweight person that eats WAY too much.
Zack: Can I have some more spagetti?
John: Dude, ur such a Kirby
by Ali Abdul-Rahman July 29, 2008
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Someone who provides a very needed service for the community and sleeps with everyone, even the guy that has no shot at getting laid and everyone knows it. She will give him a sympathy fuck either because someone asked her to or she just has to fuck everyone she knows.
by fb 60 February 26, 2009
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A little fat-ass puffball thing that constantly eats food. And floats around like some gay fairy.
Wow dude that guy was a total kirby

by brandvid May 4, 2019
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he is the sickest lad in the world with a massive slong and any girl would die to be with him
i wish i was kirby
by brookes me bae November 30, 2015
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London slang. A derogatory term for a certain type of person from Australia, New Zealand or South Africa who now lives in the UK. More often used to describe women but can be applied to men. Can also be used to describe the places frequented by Kirbys.

Kirbies are very fond of alcohol and/or drugs and all the associated behavior. The women are usually blond (or died blond), horribly slutty and have an unpleasant bitchy attitude. The men are usually large rugby playing types (or wanabees) often with blonde hair, very predatory towards women and sometimes quite aggressive.

This word originates form a short lived UK TV show called The Last Chancers which featured a character called Kirby who was as described above.

Note on usage: This word could be considered very offensive as it shows a complete ignorance of the difference between three very different counties.
Alex: I'm not really liking this bar much.
Lauren: I know it's proper kirby.
by Last Chancer October 18, 2006
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A group of cute fat-ass pink gum. In the game Kirby mass attack, They defeat enemies by raping everything in sight. These mofos are probably the ones that ate that missing child that was announced on April,15,2017. So watch out and NEVER PLAY MASS ATTACK OR KIRBY'S WILL COME FOR YOU AND EAT YOUR ASS!
The Kirbies raped king dedede
by Fatassgum April 16, 2017
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The Kirby Dance, is to this day, the single greatest emote known to man. It spans from texting, to mesaging, and AIM. But the orgins of such a powerful emote seems to be from the MMORPG World of Warcraft, and Mr. Rogers (Some legends say that Mr Rogers had this as one of his many gruesome tattos during his tour in vietnam). Although it appears to be nothing more than a simple emote, such as


It actually has a much more indepth purpose. It is, by most, to be the single most amazing way to spark a conversation. Also, legends say that one who can acutally perform this emote in real life using their body, could be endowed with inmortality, and unlimited wealth. Of course, no human could possibly mimic the Kirby Dance.

Except for Chuck Norris, Mr. T, and Kimbo Slice.

The Kirby Dance emote looks like this

Tom:Hey guys whats up?
Kerra789: N2m chatting how bout you
Tom: bout the same lolz. so you guys set for friday
Jacob1000: yeah bro i am. Hey whens leroy comin back?
XxstevenxX: who knows he said he had a phonecall
LEROYLOLZ: <(*.*<)(^*.*^)(>*.*)>
Tom: wtf is that?
Kerra789: o.o
XxstevenxX: im going to kill myself now. bye

XxstevenxX is offline

LEROYLOLZ: FUCK YEAH!!! All hail The Kirby Dance!
by MrSnorlax September 17, 2009
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