When a drunk, limp dick is trying to be stuffed unsuccessfully into a vagina
"It's 3am and the bars are closed, looks like that girl is going to get Jet Puffed tonight"

Jane: "Dang girl, he was so wasted, I totally got Jet Puffed"
Sally: "Damn marshmallow dick"
by L.P.T.L September 13, 2012
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The action of boarding an aircraft ( System wise) by allowing passengers through boarding scanners and subsequently, placing them on the Jet Bridge / Jetty, without actually letting them on board.

American Airlines TEAM Dusseldorf solution to uncooperative Crew Members.
The Crew is not yet ready, lets Jet bridge!

CREW : You are not allowed to start boarding yet
Answer: We are not Boarding, we are Jet Bridging.
by SKYWALKER AA March 10, 2017
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A bad ass, no nonsense player that always keeps it cool and sexy with the ladies.
"What's your name?"
"Blackstone. Jet Blackstone."
"That name is hot"
"Like you"
"Oh, Jet!"

Coined by Kojo Manu of Baltimore
by gurrilla55 September 3, 2010
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DeShaun hit the jets after LeQueefa, his math teacher, sentenced him to 2 days of after school detention.
by MasterWordManMang October 21, 2015
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Left in '96, back in 2011. The NHL franchise with the greatest and loudest fans in the entire league. Anyone who disagrees has not been to the MTS Centre.
Winnipeg Jets. We're back baby
by guitarhero2 January 14, 2012
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a LONELY ASS bot that appeared in Godzilla movie Godzilla vs Megalon
Jet jaguar? Jet jaguar!
by Personalguy February 11, 2020
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something that you think is really great
Did you see those anaglyph Google Earth simulations?
Yeah! Neato Jets!
by Lisa Jordan April 26, 2007
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