When you do, think or say something stupid, that was clearly avoidable.

From the movie "Team America - World police"
Its from the movie Team America in which the Matt Damon character only says "Maaaaaattttttt Daaaaammmoonn"

A usage example:
You fall over or you dont get a joke- "maaaatttt daammoonn"
Someone can also do a "Matt Damon" when the stupid thing is observed
by Leesa Tambo March 9, 2008
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The most brilliant actor in the entire history of brilliant actors

07's Sexiest Man Alive


Matt Damon Eyes: Grey-blue eyes with a calm energy about them


To Matt Damon someone: To bowl over someone with such uber-brilliance, they might never recover from their charmed trance, even if it happened unconsciously/subconsciously
She watched The Bourne Ultimatum two years ago, and she still can't get over Matt Damon's brilliance


My kitten was a female, too bad; I couldn't name her Matt even though she had these beautiful Matt Damon Eyes


Shia LaBeouf is the only thing that has helped me get over Matt Damon
by iHEARTShiaLaBeouf September 28, 2010
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The CF for the BoSox in 2004. He is a great fielder and a great leadoff hitter. He has speed and can steal bases. He looks like jesus.
Wow, Johnny Damon made a sick play.
Johnny Damon just hit a tripple.
Johnny Damon just scored from first on a bloop single.
by parliment July 24, 2004
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A Matt Damon is when one of your friends either does or says something stupid this is a adopted term from the film Team America World Police in the film Matt Damon can only say his name and is shown in the film as a retard. It can be used if a friend doesnt understand a joke, says something very stupid, does something very stupid or if he is generally not very clever
I can't believe you did that' my other friend 'what did he do' 'he pulled a matt damon
by MonsterRave August 15, 2010
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A major league baseball player with native american blood. He loves the land, and respects the great spirit. he has many pow-wows to celebrate his baseball victories.
Johnny Damon lives in a long-house
by blumf February 8, 2005
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screen play actor in hollywood. due to his bad acting the words "Matt Damon" and to be used as a derogratery term.
"OH i pulled a Matt Damon"

"man, that movie was soooo Matt Damon"
by Nina April 19, 2005
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