The greatest concert in east Texas. Held Annually in Mt. Enterprise Texas.
by cramjam March 30, 2011
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When one person teaches another person the whole years course on MSN and that person aces the exam the next day, using just one case study.
Mike: Sup brah, you done any revision for the exam tomorrow?

Pete: Nah mate, can we craM-S-N?

Mike: No, you're on your own dick.

Pete: FFS, I'll just do some wikvision instead.
by Afromole June 9, 2009
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verb - a handjob where the person giving the handjob uses their own tears as lubricant, see cry job.

After watching a sad movie, Samantha crammed Robert's bobber.

That girl is fantastic at cramming the bobber.
by Thomazero October 23, 2006
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a wedgiee haveing your underware or pants up your crack
that bitch gots some nasty ass cram jams!
by Daja February 3, 2006
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the act of stuffing ones face at a gathering which includes food (i.e. birthday party bbq, fam-jam)and leaving shortly there after.
I'll be going to my cousins house for his birthday luncheon, but i'll probably just Cram n' Scram when i get there.


So did people show up? Yeah but most of them just Cram n' Scrammed.
by Notorious G.I.Z. May 25, 2007
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1) The act of rough anal sex
2) Using large forces to fit abnormally massive objects into the vagina, anus, or any other orifice. Be creative!
Bill: Yo dog, last night I heard your mom got cram jammed by James
Dave: Oh God! I hope she's alright
Bill: Me too, that kid's got girth
by willywonkaswanka May 3, 2005
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The intense amount of musical cramming done right before a music festival. It requires long hours of surfing, looking up for song lyrics, reading about band biographies and downloading. With the shitload of bands entering the music scene every year, this is especially common among the metal music listeners.
A: I'm going to this festival, and I have no idea what half of the bands sound like!
B: Why the hell are you going then? Well if you must, I bet you've got to do some pre-festival cramming.
by lillerarekalkun May 12, 2012
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