A total fag-bro or a brew. The type of man who wears neon clothing and lots of plaid. Wakeboards more than they should, makes sure everyone knows it, and usually isn't very good at it. Loves the lake and acting like a total toooooool!
Guy 1: "Hey, I've seen that kid on the lake before, boarding it up, wearing neon shorts. Is he cool?"

Guy 2: "Naw man he's a total Bromo, don't even talk to him."
by FuckBromos May 2, 2011
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Similar to “no homo”, but with your bro.
Nathan - “Dude you look hot in that picture.”
Henry - “Oh fr dude?”
Nathan - “Yeah, bromo.”
Henry - “Bromo.”
by atazhaa November 5, 2020
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Noun; having love or highly respecting another male, but not enough to be romantically engaged with them; when you really your bro, but they’re still your bro.
No, I’m not in love with him, it’s just bromo.
by DatBananaBoy February 15, 2020
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The act of two dudes sucking each others dicks. Often when one loses a bet and the loser has to suck the winners dick. It's not gay
Jake lost the bromo bet over the Giants game so he has to suck Ricks dick
by khnrslg September 18, 2017
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When you want to compliment your bro in a non-homo way
“Dude those cuffed jeans look so cute on you... bromo af tho lmao”
by Limpydicky68 October 20, 2018
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The combination of the words "homo" and "brother"/"bro". Refers to acts that would typically be taken as gay between good friends.

However, there is still a line that can be crossed between homo and bromo. Bromo is acceptable; hugging your buddy is fine. Homo is not acceptable; whipping out your wang and letting your bro touch it is *not* bromo, that's just straight homo.

Typically the difference between bromo and homo is easily told apart in each scenario of the usage.
Guy 1: Dude! I haven't seen you in forever! *hugs bro*
Girlfriend: That's homo.
Guy 2: Nah, girl, 's all good. It's all bromo.
by bromoman January 17, 2011
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Commonly used beside the word "no" as in "no bromo". This is similar to the phrase "no homo" but it's used not to reference homosexuality but friendship and can mean "I don't like you like that but you are a great human or I think you are attractive".
"Hey Marissa your ass looks good af today, no bromo"

"Duude your hair is poppin' today no bromo though!"

"Your outfit is so hot omg no bromo my dude"
by Fergilish January 18, 2017
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