a spazz/mail girl.shes is a sub. at ajh library.but sometimes she doesnt go in there cuz shes too busy doin her maiilr route lol.she likes to eat spaghetti and get it all over her face.shes goin to get her ears gaged soon.hopefully.lol and shes afraid of the dark.she needs to overcome her fears so we can keep goin to the library.shes also,use to be a clownnn! haha that bitch needs to go back to the circus.
Miss Fink ran around the school naked with her nipples pierced.
by adubb. February 5, 2008
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a 'hu du fink u r?' situation mostly starts with the dick head in school who thinks im well cool everyone likes me but everyone secretley thinks they're annoying shits. so they're all getting up in ya junk, coming in ya face, squaring up to you
and being a general faggot so your getting angry and then this happens ....
Guy situation-
Faggot: man i woz bangin' ur burd last night she woz screamin' ma name so bad
You: well you blaitently weren't so stop chatting crap
Faggot: man if she's pregz its by me, you jellz?
Faggot: *shitz pants*

Girl situation

Faggot: I could make u so wet that you'd ave to change ya pantiez

You: yeah in your dreams dick'ed
Faggot: I'll meet ya round the bike sheds and we can *mimics hip thrusting*

Faggot: *faints*
by Geerat July 30, 2011
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.. A guy who is known as a delightful man, that cares for everyone... A guy that loves his women, also known as, "Westside"
by TheMatrix69 May 23, 2014
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Tyson Ray Fink is a great name, boys are jelious of that name and girls think it's cute. Tyson Ray Fink is a name he should keep! Everyone loves him and wants to be his friend. If you are lucky you'll be able to be friends with him! Tyson Ray Fink defines their personality, kind, funny, silly, cute, handsom and emotional.
OMG there is Tyson Ray Fink, hes so cute!
by loijhn March 5, 2020
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A descriptive word for a complete shithead of an individual widely known for telling people to kill themselves for haha reacting to a post on social media.
Don't pull an Ashley Fink if you don't want to publicly ruin your own life in 30 minutes or less.
by Fishdontswim June 9, 2022
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