The moment that last 10-15 seconds after masturbation when you are immobile because you are questioning the existence of everything or you just beat your meat to hard
Bro last night I beat my meat and I couldn't move afterwards

That's just the Post-Masturbation paralysis, it's normal
by Assaddition November 17, 2019
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A person providing social commentary aimed at enforcing said person's superior knowledge and ethos of current moral / values and that which is politically correct. Social mastrubators are often failed / undiscovered political journalists and band together on social media where the opportunity to point out where a politically incorrect view is raised.
That tweet brought out social masturbators in full force.
by AJ Nel November 15, 2015
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When someone loves hearing the sound of their own voice, and that person's idea of a conversation is actually a soliloquy or monologue...and simply won't STFU.
Steve appeared to be blissful and aloof, oblivious to the bored and vexed faces of his companions, as he listened to the wall of sound exiting his mouth in yet another round of aural masturbation.
by MoGyver December 29, 2016
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When using soy sauce for lube and seasoning you chicken with your personal semen
Hey John, how was the Chinese masturbating while eating your fried rice
by February 21, 2022
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Adam - "Did you get Steak & Blowjob last night?"

Tom - "No, I had Keema & Masturbate Day, unfortunately."
by Safali March 15, 2016
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