A high school lying on the outskirts of downtown Chicago. Though students typically travel in from affluent suburbs, they like to think going to Ignatius gives them "street-cred" and makes them "city-smart," which it most certainly does not. While these sheltered students try to shed the soft, pampered reputation they have received, the fact remains that there are chandeliers in the cafeteria and the buildings are nicer than many on collegiate campuses.

Try as they might, no Ignatius athletic teams seem to be able to have consistent success. Though their parents always by their children top-of-the-line equipment, athleticism is rare and has lead to Ignatius' reputation as a"guaranteed win." This is evident in the annual Fenwick/Ignatius football game where Ignatius will usually lose by a deficit of at least 35 points. Even as Ignatius boasts itself as an "academic powerhouse," their Math and Science teams consistently prove inferior to other prep schools, including bitter rival Fenwick, who also outshines them on standardized test scores.

Known for having below average-looking women, the social scene is also lacking. A typical weekend for any Ignatius student usually consists of stealing Bacardi Razz or Malibu Rum from one's parents and sneaking it into a party in a water bottle. After each consuming the equivalent of two or three shots, students generally become intoxicated and resort to bizarre homoerotic behavior including, but not limited to: applying body glitter, dancing to Jonas Brothers, wearing black leather, watching reruns of Ellen, etc. This metrosexuality is also also exemplified by the clothing worn by students, including brands such as American Eagle, Abercrombie, Hollister, etc. Many Ignatius boys like using hair gel to mold a faux-hawk or spend 20 minutes on creating that "just-rolled-out-of-bed look." Pooka shells, Kanye West sunglasses, Birkenstocks, stud earrings, destroyed/paint-stained jeans, designer graphic tees, and many other types of extremely lame clothing are staples in the daily Ignatius outfit.

Yes, while the douchebags of Ignatius sit smugly in their ivory towers, the rest of Chicagoland, and the country, has a laugh at their expense.
Mother: Where should our son go, St. Ignatius College Prep or the prestigious Fenwick High School?

Father: All those dumbasses at Ignatius are queens that suck at sports, I'm not sending my son to school with those cocksuckers.
by catholic league May 28, 2009
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a school full of mostly rich white kids who are considered the sporty nerds. people there are full of themselves and think they are better and smarter than everyone else. did i mention they're white and privileged? if you go there and aren't a rich white ego maniac, congrats. but still, you go to payton so you're still a jerk.
no one likes those rich white walter payton college prep kids.
by c00lestk1d August 7, 2019
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a day in which people look for, and beat the shit out of preps. annual holiday.

date: june 20th
dude: "what are you doing tomorrow?"
dude 2: "going to beat up some preps!!"
dude:"its national prep beatdown day already?! sweet! im coming!"
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St. John is the true definition of hell. A Catholic high school located in Katy, Texas where students are separated into 5 cults and forced to compete against each other. Known as the crustiest school in the area, St. John excels at zero sports and contains strictly hoes and religious girls, nothing in between.
"Hear St. John xxiii college prep went 2-8 this season, thank god they're improving"
by Tim Jaureguido March 9, 2017
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A school in the heart of Chicago that prides itself on it's high standards when it comes to acceptance. Disregard that most of the families of the kids that go there are huge donors to the school and have a ton of legacy there, so that even if they get a fifty on the entrance exam there's no way they can't be accepted. Often regarded a "party school" it's wonderful if you're interested solely on doing copius amounts of pot and heroine and having sex with strangers at rich suburbenite kid's parties. Not so great if you're interested in surrounding yourself with people interested in learning and their futures. There are about 10 kids in each class that are, and they're not too popular. Just your run of the mill ridiculous catholic high school bullshit.
Cathy: St. Ignatius College Prep! you must be pretty smart to be going there!
Kevin: Haha yeah, it's pretty chill, I got herpes there though from this one chick.
by FGSRS180 August 14, 2010
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the superior school, won the 2021 bruce mahoney
woah you go to sacred heart cathedral prep?
by smartestpersonlol November 23, 2021
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A school filled with potheads and a bum ass principle and vice principle. At least 10+ people have bud or a waxpen on them and will allow you to take a pull. This school has niggas that walk into the train play fight, try to “end your whole career”, and ask you to roll up. Seriously, no one here does any other drug than pot for the most part. Don’t let the name fool you this school is NOT in Coney Island!
by CipK December 16, 2019
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