A point in a conversation where you say something that you really didn't mean to.
I told Robin that I saw Mike with some girl at the movie theater last night. It just came out of my mouth like Word Vomit.
by MoonCricket November 26, 2004
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a way for people to say the word die on stan twitter without triggering people sensitive to the topic.
i forgot to do my homework last night, i want to d word’
by honeyhuimang September 2, 2020
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The creation of a new word. It can be used in many ways.
Oh, new word?
by xCDMz June 18, 2018
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words that are designed to or are capable of provoking violence
It's one thing to argue, but these ar fightin' words
by The Return of Light Joker October 4, 2007
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A phrase old school teachers use to indicate they’re dead serious.
This project has gone way over budget. You people will be the ones paying for it. My word!
by Jeffrey Brown July 13, 2018
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a term used to describe a persons mouth
That bitch needs to shut her word hole.
by Johnny Tats May 5, 2008
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