Alternative to rat-arsed, especially when you're really drunk and forget that you are drunk.
Steven: Let's get mouse-bummed Jeff.

Jeff: Don't you mean rat-arsed Steven? Yh! I think you've already had too much to drink.
by legendballers August 1, 2022
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The fictional manifestation of a fuzzy Coochie.
Her grassy mouse was caught , in the bread basket.
by GinngerLove February 1, 2018
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A Mickey Mouse hookup is a hookup a person got that is considered to be obtained through an unfairly easy path and is therefore discredited.
Paulina Morris earned a Mickey Mouse HU in 2021. He faced a drunk Ralfs and a Down Bad Aryan Sharda.
by Balodis July 26, 2021
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The act of inserting a colleagues' pc mouse into the own vagina in order to show dominance over that bitch.
Colleague A: "E. is being a real snitch again!"
Colleague B: "Guess it's time for another Southern Brunswick Mouse Maneuver."
by Albfred July 20, 2017
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A contraption consisting of an empty paper towel tube, two pieces of paper towel and an empty pen. Stuffing a piece of paper towel in one end and placing a live mouse inside and closing off the opposite end with paper towel wrapped around empty pen to allow air flow into the chamber. Take four hits of marijuana and blow into the mouse bong.
Dude; What are you blowing pot smoke into, Man?
Man; Mouse bong.
Dude; Wtf?
Man; Watch this (blows pot smoke into device, unstuffs one end of mouse bong to release dizzy mouse)
Dude; Fuck!
by Bauxb October 31, 2017
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A mix between butthurt and special snowflake. Mostly feminists, vegans, Black Lives Matter supporters etc. They are easily offended by anything, the slightest racial, sexist, homophobic joke or statement. They have no understanding of how the world works and consider their views to be the only ones suitable for "world peace". A triggered mouse will ignore facts or proven arguments for the sake of censoring everything that they find "ofensive" to any group of people or "harmful" to the planet and its inhabitants. These people's goal is to turn the world into a safe place, often trying to censor opponents. Instead of focusing on real and far more serious issues, they prefer to work on minor things like an offensive comment on a website. A triggered mouse will constantly play the victim card to escape an argument they know they can't win, hence the term "mouse". The 21st century has seen an increase in the amount of such people and it is a serious problem in the modern world.
I tried explaining to her it was just a joke but she is a complete triggered mouse.

A bunch of triggered mice just reported my video for telling the truth.
by Vortic April 16, 2017
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the most top person in the world claiming to be a bottom
''Briley, you are such a wet mouse.''
by ballsfuck November 14, 2022
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