A pretty good joke. A man more infamous for anti-intellectualism than anyone in history having a library for a memorial is pretty goddamn funny.
Welcome to the George W. Bush Presidential Library, please leave your books at the door.…yeah right there, in that burning pile.

/ignore this Google Bomb:

George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library George W. Bush Presidential Library
by xX_CaliforniaCheese_Xx September 14, 2011
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Proof that a war hero does not make a good president. George Herbert Walker Bush was born June 12, 1924 and was the forty-first president of the US and A. At age 18 Bush said fuck college and went to fight in World War II, and became the youngest naval aviator in US history. Bush is an oil man and he created the Bush-Overby Oil Development company in 1951 which eventually made him a millionaire.
In 1980 he ran for president and lost. He was Ronald Reagan’s vice president from 1981 to 1989. In 1988 he meraculously beat Michael Dukakis.
Bush has 2 particularly famous sons. One is president George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, and Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida.
Ultimately H.W. is remembered for the U.S. invasion of Panama, the Persian Gulf War, the collapse of the Soviet Union, NAFTA, never actually killing Saddam Hussein and losing to Bill Clinton

George H. W. Bush is a lead character on the cast of Lil' Bush, he plays the father of George W. Bush and teaches him to to be a "Decider" and blame his problems on Donald Rumsfeld, yet he fails to teach him diplomacy and the importance of peace and hope.
George W. Bush may actually be worse than George H. W. Bush
Saddam Hussein always manages to outsmart George H. W. Bush
George H. W. Bush went to war, but his son was doing Cocaine
George H. W. Bush defines the word warmonger
by The Blac God of death June 14, 2008
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Guy 1: Man that guy's a real george dubble-ya bush.

Guy 2: Ya I know he has IQ of 2. What an idiot
by kickstand21 August 18, 2005
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Ronald Reagan's Vice-President who became elected the 41st President of the United States (for the first time since the Martin van Buren/Richard Mentor Johnson administration!), serving from 1989 to 1993; he recognized the Disability Rights Movement and made his predecessor's negotiations to end the Cold War a successful endeavor. But because his campaign promise was broken, he lost his bid for re-election to Bill Clinton in 1992 and became a humanitarian activist after leaving the White House.
Also known as Dubya's father and the last World War II veteran to be elected to the Oval Office.
"Read my lips: no... new... taxes!"
-George H. W. Bush's prominent sound bite, from his speech at the 1988 Republican National Convention.
by LaserVideoTube June 30, 2022
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The elaborate mixed meaning coin from a LiveJournal user I presented the ban hammer to because he called me the r-word. The user is known as Aske as he was trying to invoke a LiveJournal vs. Diary-X war after he blasted my diary-x present. This one was coined by the blogger as he would pull out elaborate insults on me as I revealed to be a Conservative on the community as I became in contact with the one of the era Conservatisim admins as I donated paid time to the community.

One of their members became the co-maintainer for many years as I came back in 2004 as this one pointed out, "You proved them all to be liars." Some of those users tried to lay into the light blue wordpress blog in the new tens where I showed why I became the maintainer in 2002. The coin either can be taken as an insult or a badge of honor, where I saw Bush speak up for marriage being between a man and woman I contributed to him being in four more years. One of my promo-photos was noted for a Bush-Cheney denim button-down with a Dali tie.
The kangaroo-jockey's livejournal rant, "Shit did he just ban 40 people in one day, there's going to be drinking game at the expense of George W. Bush of The Goth Community."

I became noted on LiveJournal over challenging a blogtroll to a fist fight as the comment was I am standing in line to kick the bastard's ass over his trolling on Conservatism as he took a swipe at my personal website claiming "He will never be published" as I got picked up by The House of Pain, less than a year later and was accepted in an anthology for the first time. This became noted as the faggot writer's nightmare come true as the staunch Republican invaded the horror circles with an excessive level of force as The Cabbie Homicide was still having momentum as The Fandom Writer was pissing off slash fanfiction writers left and right as there's a few versions now floating around. The original version was pulled from AuthorsDen for a character that plays off the two writers who I managed to be on the radar, this is before the Illinois Hemorroid crack.
by illinoishorrorman January 20, 2018
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The person who came up with the idea to make bicycle frames thinner than an eggshell and make them out of brittle carbon fiber and then overprice them.
George W. Bush ruined Vintage Bikes and priced them like craZy
by Knmagor June 15, 2024
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