The "Desi Karen", also known as the "Desi Auntie" by the natives of the Indian subcontinent, is the final evolution of the females of the Desi-ous Human-ous species.

Common way to recognize a "Desi Karen" are by constantly judgmental stares, comparing their children to you (typically in ways that insult their own children), trying to set up random people with their children (a bit rarer though), gossiping, watching dramas, making small thing big deals, and yelling a lot.

The prerequisites for being known as a so-called "Desi Karen" are fluid and not set in stone. Generally, however, they have a few generally accepted requirements.
1. They be at least 30 years old. This is because for most Desis, to become an auntie you need at least 30 years of life experience to piss you off enough to evolve. However, there are exceptions, as there have been cases of Desis becoming Aunties in under 20 years.
2. They have to be women. This one is a given, a Desi man that fits all the above traits in paragraph 2 is just an uncle trying to be hip or something.
3. They have to be Desi. Duh.
"Wow, all my Mom's friends are SUCH Desi Karens!"
by ThisGuyWhoNamesPeopleLol September 14, 2021
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When your dick has been wanked too hard and it feels like your dick has been ripped off!! Possibly by someone called Karen.... basically your Carrying your Penis.... Karen (to carry) Wilson (Penis)
I saw Karen the other night.... we had a nice time but after I had a Karen Wilson!!
by Rbobby April 23, 2019
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When you take a problematic female less seriously because of institutionalized sexism, assuming she has no real power though she directly or indirectly benefits from (usualluy white) privilege. With prolonged exposure, the sheer force of empathy will erode your sense of self and you will start to rationalize Karen antics. Exacerbated by mental illness, attractiveness, vacillating from self-deprecation to self-aggrandizement, and irony poisoning.
"I know she says problematic things but her absurd takes make me lmao."
"Just be careful you don't get possessed by a Karen."
by poocsytipoop January 22, 2021
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Reddit Karen's are users that get mad, upset, or in general, are disrespectful and/or intolerant of variations with regards to methodology, topics they don't agree with or fit within their definition of a subreddit rules or comments going against their perceived righteousness with respect to what they are commenting on (i.e a post or commenting on a comment from another user.). Engaging with them tends to lead to argumentative responses, name-calling, bullying or harassment via the chat system of Reddit. They will abuse the voting system in bad faith to alter content/comments for personal gain, or to outright stifle discussion, contrary to the intended purpose as stated by Reddit themselves on how the voting system was intended for use. Additionally, they will abuse the "Reddit Cares" messaging system to send you a message for suicide or self-harm to troll you.
"Did you see that rude comment by the Reddit Karen for a post to the Subreddit asking for help?"

"Did you see that Reddit Karen lose it when they were asked for proof of their comment?"

"Just because you don't agree with the facts doesn't make you right. It makes you a Reddit Karen."

"You don't have to act like a Reddit Karen over my observation; I didn't state my claim as a fact, only an opinion."
by WalterWhitesPhD October 18, 2023
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A parody of the popular anime, Attack on Titan. Attack on Karen (also abbrevated as AOK) is a story set in 2020, where the world is plagued by a virus, called Corona and a mutated subspecies of humans started rising as a result of the virus. They are called Karens. The Karens look and act like us but they are always savage monsters who go aggressive on any human who denies their wishes by wanting to see the managers. Out of all humans the managers are most targeted by the Karens, eventually a group of humans make a wall and reside keeping the Karens away using a tech called Karen detector. Several squadrons are formed to fight the Karens and save the world from those savage creatures.
Attack on Karen is the best anime ever, even though its a parody of Attack on Titan.
by Saitama 777 April 11, 2021
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Bella Karen does not fit the "Karen" stereotype of privileged, white and rude. Bella Karen is married to a man from a different cultural background than her and is of mixed ancestry. Hates homophobic people, likes to listen to live music, drives an old Toyota she can take camping, brought her children up to embrace cultural differences. Dresses like a Scandinavian. Might have a tattoo. Uses manners when talking to everyone including people experiencing homelessness. Friends comprise different nationalities, including Aboriginal (First Nations) and Maoris. Has the courage to confront bullies, but is still courteous. Married a darker skinned man to improve the gene pool.
Bella Karen will have to be invited to the event, she talks to everyone. I'll ask Bella Karen if she will cook us spaghetti and meatballs. Bella Karen will help with the fundraiser. Can you ask Bella Karen to talk to her about calling her eight year old son and a. hole at school today.
by #Courage August 10, 2020
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