He’s a big brain human who snipes people out of clock towers and he catches you sleeping on the floor. He is usually bald and will always touch your bum.
Person one: don’t let mr hunt near you

Person two: I know he will touch my bum
by Your nan sucked me off November 13, 2020
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A very sexy man who is hot and good looking. He is usually smart and tall and smegsy.
wow, DESMOND HUNT is so great and pog.
by epic person000000 March 24, 2021
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A female trying to cover her defaults by finding another one worse than her.
Heather was duff hunting looking for a friend fatter, dumber, and uglier than her so maybe the boys would notice her.
by RayLee May 31, 2008
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When a lesbian couple or group search for a larger partner.
Bonnie and Katlyn went cow hunting to spice up their date night.
by ThatDarnGuyInTheCorner January 18, 2021
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When someone eats coins and defecates on a tray later to find them
guy 1 "Hey bro want to go treasure hunting" guy 2 "sure but im not eating any coins that's on you."
by chickenwing1 March 2, 2021
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Some fucking bullshit that millennial girls do in between, and during interactions, up to, and including intercourse, with their significant others. Also, a form of practicing safe “socializing” in which no original concepts are expected of the hunter.
I wanted to cuddle, maybe take it a step further. But I could see the small bright light. She was meme hunting, and I would be another night of jacking off for me.
by Dominant Disciple September 30, 2021
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A guy who rants about who puts girls into stereotypes of women, calls about 90% of women basic bitches. Rants a bunch about what he would do for his girl, only to call her bitch endearingly after, and claims that he has less of a chance talking to girls because of his body figure being flabby.
Guy 1: Hey man, I would love that girl to death, but she needs to stop being a basic bitch and know every guy isnt chiseled! I need pussy too!

Guy 2: Dude, you're really pulling a Riley Hunt.

Guy 1: Oh Shit! You're right. My bad man, my bad.
by Edster2618 January 10, 2018
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