Definition of someone who get scammed all the time.

It all started when he kept loosing in a game of prediction and coincidently scam starts with the letter S

In other context dj s is also know as dj q. He gets blame for anything or called out in any situation.
We have just been dj s by bigo.
by Sorryforyourloss November 22, 2021
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when a song is remixed by poor wifi connection
"Dude the wifi dj keeps messing with the drop: "Des..paci""
by fag 4 life September 25, 2017
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(its my name) someone who respects their friends and would do anything to help them out and is open to play Minecraft with ANYONE no matter what.
DJ Millar is a good guy (:
by oyg8u May 11, 2021
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A Person who likes to promote his server cuz its dead and is a mod in a server just for sending a meme he is a nice guy but is pretty ngl
by DJ Wafffles October 19, 2020
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Born and grow up in the West Indies Jamaica, from the Parish of St. Ann and Portland.

Popular Gospel Dj now residing in Bronx NY.
Bronx known popular Gospel DJ also contemporary DJ Shepsonic
by DJ shepsonic aka shepchenco March 26, 2013
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